Summer holiday, Yay!

Three weeks of summer holiday lies ahead of us! 🙂
This year it’s gonna be in Norway, “The holiday destination close to you”. That’s how it is when you’ve got a dog…

No signs of stress so far, we’ll stay at home for a few days, relaxing, and hoping that the weather forecast will change it’s mind on the ongoing rain.

Our plan so far is to stay a few days at our cabin up on the mountains, and then we’re going to the North East coast to stay at an island for a few days with family.

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon at the hairdresser, while Hubby took Issi for a long walk on the foresthill next to where we live.
They started by walking up to the Resistance Hut before crossing the “High Voltage road” and continuing down towards a small pond called Lukedammen. Hubby realized too late that he’d missed the path to the pond and chose instead to continue on a path none of us had walked before. He came to a field called Lukeenga where there is a runway for micro airplanes! We had heard of it but not found it. Until now…


And since I was done at the hairdresser, I drove to pick them up on the other side.
Issi seemed happy and satisfyed after their walk, but she was not allowed to rest too well before I’d groomed her and cut her claws. She’s never been to happy to go through all that, so we’ve never had a routine for it either. But since the crash course in grooming at the kennel gathering earlier, I’d decided we just have to do this regularly. It actually went very well, it helped to bribe her with some dried chicken breast. 😉

She fell alseep on the floor, her fur a bit more fluffy and free from ticks.

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